Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tips for washing down jacket

Washing, you should soak in water for some time, then brush the collar, cuffs and some other parts of jackets, which is so easy to stain, gently with a soft brush, and washing, all the zipper pull. You need to recognize the fact that washing machines are often damaged, which is filled with a down jacket down jacket, so the premise of maintaining clean, wash with minimal requirements.First, be sure to wash your hands. Down, has been charged washing instructions, it reminds you to wash your hands, and the down jacket dry deaning is harmful, because it is used to dry syrups, cold will not only affect the quality, but also make the aging fabric . Use washing machines and mixing after being screwed down jacket, will easily lead down the decision-making and shape, making the warm look and uneven quality of the filling.Secondly, the temperature at 30 degrees with water.You'd better put down jacket into the cold water for 20 minutes, so that it can be wet-round, including internal and external. Then, you need to detergent dissolved in warm water 30 degrees about a quarter of an hour, that Down. After that, you can gently scrub with a soft brush. It also can promote more fully dissolve detergent, rinse with warm water, and to some extent, relatively clean jacket.Third, do not use detergent density is too high.If you want to use detergent wash down jacket, it is more appropriate to only 4 to 5 tablespoons of laundry detergent every two basins. If its density is too high, it is more difficult to clean down jacket. At the same time, the detergent residue in the down jacket and bad effects, so down, will be less fluffy, whichsharply reduce the insulation.Fourth: a neutral detergent is the best option.Use neutral detergent to clean than the strong detergent, bleach and fabric softener coats, and. Once you use the basic detergent and can not be deleted residuaal fully, the residual may damage the surface of your jacket. If you want to remove the residual alkaline detergent, you can rinse in warm water twice, plus two teaspoons of vinegar and soak it for some time.Fifth: you can not wring.After washing down jacket, do not wring. Instead, water should be squeezed out. After that, the jacket can be hung or tile. It is exposed to strong sunlight is not allowed to make your down jacket, and make it ironed out.If you can do so, Iassure down jacket can be worn for so many years. So, try it.

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